Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Please pray for Nora. This little girl has brought so many to Christ just by existing. She is a message of light in the darkness of this world that tells us that we are only valuable based on the material we contribute to the world.

I knew Nora had Trisomy 18 before I knew Mariana had Down syndrome. Nora's condition is probably the reason I received Mariana's diagnosis with such peace. Nora hadn't even taken a breath yet, but she had changed my heart and made Mariana's life more appreciated. Scott and I could only see Mae as a blessing after knowing what a blessing Nora was while still developing in her mother's womb.

God, Father of Mercy, grant the Yusko family peace. Grant Nora complete healing and a long and healthy life with her family. Servant of God, Jerome Lejeune, pray for Nora and her family and her care takers, that all that can be done in service to this little life be done, that each doctor see Nora as a messenger of hope and treat her with the dignity any child deserves and the respect that all life demands.

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